Brazilian butt lifts use liposuction to harvest fat from a location you wish to trim down, then transplant that fat into your buttocks. This means there is no chance of your body rejecting the fat transfer. Autologous means tissue obtained from the same individual. It’s a thorough body contouring procedure that utilizes autologous fat grafting to reshape and resculpt your buttocks. What Is a Brazilian Butt Lift?Ī Brazilian butt lift is actually more than just a “lift”. One look at social media posts reveals that millions of people around the world agree with him. Aristotle was rumored to have said rounded buttocks are the most beautiful aspect of the human body. The desire for shapely, alluring buttocks didn’t begin with J-Lo or Nicki Minaj. You can reach our state-of-the-art Austin office at 51. When you’re ready to leave your old body behind and welcome a future of well-rounded selfies, schedule a consultation with Dr. Booth specializes in body contouring procedures that help you achieve your vision for your future self. Justin Booth wants to help your body express how you want to look. Your outer appearance should reflect how you feel on the inside. If you need a little assistance, a Brazilian butt lift can improve the proportions, shape, and contours of your buttocks, hips, and waist. Even if you adhere to a strict diet and engage in daily lunges and squats, your buttocks might not shape up how you envision.